Run Four: 6 Minute Run, 1 Minute Walk (with a Cold…)

Hampstead Heath in Autumn
Not even sorry!
A lovely day for a run, this time upping it by yet another minute. This time it was a 6 minute run with a 1 minute walk and we repeated this 6 times. Not only have I doubled my running time and halved my walking time in only 1 week, I also did it with a stonking great big cold! Started the run unable to breath out of my nose but definitely felt as if running cleared up my blocked sinuses and gradually allowed me to improve. Unfortunately, this has not lasted and I am currently sat at my desk with a mug of hot lemon and honey water wearing several jumpers. 

On Tuesday, the aim is to improve by another minute: 7 minute run, 1 minute walk - repeated 6 times. The idea is to gradually increase by a minute each time up to 10 minutes and then hopefully increase by maybe 2/3 minutes each time! 

Oh and Jon and I bought sausage and egg mcmuffins because it is Sunday and we felt as if we deserved it!  

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