Run Thirteen: Unlucky for some…9 Minute Run, 1 Minute Walk!

An accurate depiction of the run that Jon and I went on...
Wednesday 12th November 

As you might have guessed, I did not bother to take my camera when Jon and I went running on Wednesday as we went when it was pitch black. 
I guess this just goes to show the conditions you are meant to enduring when marathon training during the Winter! 
This, surprisingly, was one of the nicest runs I have even been on. We did 9 minute runs, with a 1 minute recovery time and repeated this 6 times but I felt like I could have done more. 
We have been a bit lapsed with our runs recently but we're hoping to run on Sunday where we will do 10 minute to 1 minute hopefully 6 times. This will be an experiment as to whether a shorter recovery time makes it easier to start running again. 

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